We all know it. We finally landed on a great piece of clothing. It fits well, we like it... if only the pants or sleeves were a few cents shorter or longer. Or we get a staple or a hole in our favorite membrane from a flying spark...
What with this? The solution is now completely simple! Get your clothes adjusted or repaired. The skilled hands of our seamstresses from the Pilsen headquarters will help you.
When trying on clothes from the Czech brands Hannah and Rafiki or other brands from our offer in the Rock Point or Hannah stores, you will find that tailoring would be necessary.
What to do:
Is your favorite outdoor clothing from the Czech brands Hannah or Rafiki torn or otherwise damaged and do you need it professionally repaired?
What to do:
V případě dotazů k úpravám či opravám tvého oblečení, neváhej kontaktovat naší Renču, vedoucí plzeňské modelárny. Je od tebe naše prodejna na hony daleko? Renáta je připravena ti poradit a navrhnout to nejlepší řešení.
vedoucí modelárny
tel: +420 379 200 410
Email: renata.kuskova@hannah.cz
Pracovní doba: Po-Pá 7:30 – 15:30